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Worland High School welder wins scholarship at Steel Day


Staff Reporter

Worland High School senior Tyshon Swalstad was one of three students on Worland's team at Steel Day 2023 in Cheyenne on Oct. 19-20, where he earned a fourth-place finish and a $1,000 scholarship.

Coach Brian Aagard said Steel Day is an annual competition in October, sponsored by Puma Steel in Cheyenne. The competition gives welders a chance to test their skills and earn money to continue learning their trade. This year, Governor Mark Gordon attended to proclaim Oct. 20 as Steel Day

Swalstad, as well as senior Aiden Martinez and junior Trey Wagner, competed against over 170 students from across Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado in a standardized welding contest. Swalstad was the only member of the team to make it out of the preliminary rounds, and competed in the finals on Saturday.

Aagard said he was pleased with the outcome of the competition despite scheduling conflicts preventing many of his welders from attending. The three who did attend, competed for their first time, and it was Martinez's and Wagner's first welding competition ever.

Martinez and Wagner both thought the competition was a lot of fun even though they did not get to compete on the second day. They agreed they both learned a lot from the trip and gained interest in welding.

Swalstad said, "It was fun. I definitely got to see some good welders."

Aagard said he thought Swalstad could have placed higher than fourth if he had not rushed in the closing stage of the competition, and knows what he can work on to improve.

The three all look forward to competing in future welding events including the annual SkillsUSA competition in the spring.