Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years
Superintendent Annie Griffin shared some exciting news about the new school build progress during the Jan. 8 meeting of the Washakie County School District No. 2 Board of Trustees.
Griffin said, “The gym is almost to its full height, the big beam above the music room is installed and the roof is going on. The first window was put into the fourth grade classroom. It looks sharp and has an emergency exit built in as an added safety feature.” She added that ductwork, plumbing and electrical work were being carried out throughout the building as well.
With most of the larger pieces of the project in place, Griffin told the board that her new focus would be on equipment and furniture for the new school. She said, “We need to make sure that our needs are being met when we move.”
The building of the new school is still progressing as scheduled for a move-in at the end of this year with classes anticipated to start in the new building in the second semester of the 2024-25 year, according to Board Chairman Erin Blutt.
During the Superintendent’s report, Griffin said that after being adopted into school policy last year, the district had obtained a supply of Narcan, a medicinal drug that reverses opioid overdoses. Griffin said, “All of our staff went through training on Jan. 3, where we learned when and how to use the Narcan. We learned that it comes in a nasal spray, and that it is not harmful, even if given to someone who has not overdosed.”
In other superintendent news, the board, following a closed/executive session, approved extending her three-year rolling contract through 2027.
Two policies were approved for changes on first reading:
•Policy 5.29, Student Dress – Removed the sentence, “Clothes shall not be tattered or torn.”
•Policy 5.34, School Event Calendar – Edited wording, all mentions of a calendar now refer to the school event calendar.
All other reviewed policies were approved on first reading with no changes:
•Policy 5.24, Make-Up Work Due to Absence or School Activities – The general accepted rule for make-up school work will be 1 school day for each excused absence day. A teacher has the right to extend make-up time if they choose.
•Policy 5.25, Permission to Leave School – Students are not permitted to check out of school for any reason during the school day unless they have presented to the office a written note or telephone call from their parent/guardian.
•Policy 5.25.1, Student Rights Eighteen Years Old – Students at or above the age of 18 who live at home with their parent or legal guardian are considered under parental control.
•Policy 5.26, Student Conduct – Guidelines for student conduct.
•Policy 5.27, Discipline of Students – Discipline procedures for various classroom infractions.
•Policy 5.28, Weapons in School – Definitions for categories of weapons and punishments if they are brought to school.
•Policy 5.30, Driving Motor Vehicles – When students drive a motor vehicle to school, they must leave it parked during the school day; this includes the noon hour.
•Policy 5.31, Lockers – Rules for student use of a locker.
•Policy 5.32, Lost and Found – A lost and found department is maintained in the lobby. Any articles left in the classroom or turned in to teachers should be taken to the office.
•Policy 5.33, Bulletin Boards – The bulletin board by the office is reserved for posting general information and announcements.
•Policy 5.35, Student Insurance – The District will not be obligated for more than the claim settlement of the insurance company. If additional is to be paid, it shall be the parent/guardian’s responsibility.
The following policies were approved on second reading:
•Policy 3.50, Certified Staff Teacher Performance Evaluation – policy for teacher performance evaluations.
•Policy 5.16, Visitors – Making a change that says, “they should not distract from the classroom instruction time.”
•Policy 5.17.1, Search of Property – Change in wording.
•Policy 5.19, Sponsorship/Supervision – Change in wording.
In other business two buses were approved for the annual school ski trip on Feb. 19.