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Big Horn Basin native shares his stories

After a lifetime of recreating in the Big Horn Basin, retired teacher John T. Rogers recently published his book, "My Various Nature Experiences."

Containing stories that range from fishing and hunting trips to general observations of the world around him, Rogers said that by sharing his own stories, he hopes to inspire others to reminisce about their own past experiences and seek more opportunities to get outside.

Long before writing about his adventures, Rogers said he grew up south of Byron.

"When I was young over in Byron, there were three different creeks. A lot of the times when it was the summertime and it was nice out, I could just go out on top of a hill and lay and watch Mother Nature do its thing," Rogers said, while remembering those days when his fascination with the outdoors first started.

After graduating from high school in Byron, Rogers said he went on to Northwest College, then Rocky Mountain College where he played football and then went into the National Guard. Rogers eventually became a teacher and went on to teach science classes and coach football in North Dakota and Montana before returning to Wyoming.

Then, after teaching and coaching in Byron, Ten Sleep and being the athletic director of the Wyoming Boys' School, Rogers said he retired from 37 years of teaching in 2007 and retired from the National Guard in 2001, after 21 years of service.

Aside from his now frequent hobbies of fishing and prospecting, Rogers said he has always enjoyed writing and has been working on his book for the past eight years. Throughout that time, Rogers said he found himself rewriting each story until they were, "just right."

While Rogers said he of course has experiences that didn't make the cut into the book, the memories he shares in his book are some of funniest and most impactful ones he could write about.

Rogers shared that his favorite chapter in the book is one titled "Lights-Camera-Action," where he shares a lasting memory of taking a tumble in front of some rafters who were floating by.

In his book, "My Various Nature Experiences," Rogers wrote, "I am honored to share my experiences with the reader [...] I feel fortunate to have lived in the small-town environments that afforded me the chance to enjoy nature and what she has to offer."

Since the publication of the book, Rogers said he hopes to publish more books in the future – especially his previously written children's stories that he would tell his own children.

In the meantime, Rogers looks forward to people reading his new book and feeling inspired by his stories to share their own.

This book, full of Rogers' short stories, can be purchased locally at Blair's in Worland, The Storyteller in Thermopolis, as well as online.

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