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Principals report on anti-bullying techniques at high school, middle school

Thermopolis Middle School Principal Darren Luebbe and High School Principal Catelyn Deromedi gave a joint report on how bullying is handled within their schools to the Hot Springs County School District No. 1 Board of Trustees at the Feb. 15 meeting.

Luebbe said, “We have a bullying reporting system that’s on our district website that allows students to report bullying and sends that report to us, and it’s available to parents as well.” He stated that kids in each grade are taught how to use the reporting system at the beginning of each school year.

He continued, “I was interested to know what our numbers were, and I asked tech to run a report for me, and it shows that since the middle of August we have had 11 reports district wide. Of those 11, all of them have been addressed. We have over 600 students and we’ve been in school for 100 days, so the simple math is that there were 60,000 opportunities for bullying to occur, and we had 11.”

Deromedi added that bullying awareness and response techniques were being taught in health classes at the high school.

Both Luebbe and Deromedi also shared the procedure that school counselors undergo when bullying is reported to them on a case-by-case basis.

Adding to the topic, Superintendent Dustin Hunt said, “I think it’s important to note that no school district has 100% solved bullying. There is bullying, and addressing it is a difficult effort. I think it’s important to realize that it can’t be the school district alone. I think it really takes partnership with parents.”


The following staffing recommendations were approved:

Emily Fossberg as daycare support staff effective Jan. 29. 

Resignation from SashAnn Moline as Title 1 paraprofessional effective Feb. 2. 

Resignation from Tiffany Simeral as Ralph Witters Elementary attendance secretary effective Feb. 12. 

Resignation from Darryl Baldes as special education paraprofessional effective Feb. 9.

Transfer Emily Jeffs from bus driver to high school custodian.

Transfer Andrew Ennis from high school custodian to special education paraprofessional.


The following policy revisions were approved on first reading:

Policy EDC-R, Student sign out of retired computers – Changed mention of “Technology Coordinator” to “Technology Director”.

Policy ECA, Security – Changed all mention of “technology department” to “facilities director”.

Policy EC, Building/Grounds/Property Management – Changed all mention of “custodial supervisor” to “facilities director”.

Policy GDBD, Support staff fringe benefits – Raised maximum semester credits eligible for reimbursement from six to 12. Reimbursement raised from $100 to $150 per graduate semester credit.

Policy GCBD, Professional staff fringe benefits - Raised maximum semester credits eligible for reimbursement from six to 12. Reimbursement raised from $100 to $150 per graduate semester credit.

Policy EEAEA-R, Mandatory drug and alcohol testing – revised for compliance with federal regulations.

Policy EEAEA, Bus driver requirements, training and responsibilities – Amended for clarity.

Policy EEAE-R, Bus safety program – Amended for clarity.

Policy EEAE, Bus safety program – All vehicles will be inspected annually rather than biannually.

Policy EEA, Student transportation – Amended for clarity.

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