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The News Editorial: Kudos to teachers, mothers and graduates

Last Tuesday I attended the Chief Washakie FFA awards banquet, and, like other times I have attended the banquet I saw seniors talk about their respect, admiration and appreciation for advisor and ag teacher Grace Godfrey.

Each time I witness this I think back to my own primary and secondary schooling and while I remember many of my teachers fondly, I never felt the type of closeness and admiration that was expressed Tuesday night toward Mrs. Godfrey.

I had some favorite teachers in high school but for the most part I just wanted high school to be over. But those I think of fondly include Mr. Allen and civics class, one of my favorite classes where we would subscribe to Time or Newsweek and then each week talk about current events; Mr. West’s history class and Mr. Hessenthaler algebra class.

Middle school there was Mr. Warren, Mr. Pfaff and Mr. Munger.

In elementary school there were Mrs. Bent (first grade), Mrs. Jurovich (second grade) whom at the time was teaching a combined class much like they do in Ten Sleep and Mrs. Berry.

Probably the teacher I remember most was in elementary school — Mrs. Simpson in the third grade. My family was going to be making a move from Hamilton Dome to Thermopolis so we started bussing into town to Thermopolis so we would not have to change schools in the middle of the year.

Mrs. Simpson was one of the kindest teachers and took the time to help any student. I remember I was struggling with a math concept and getting completely frustrated. My now best friend Carole asked what was wrong and I told her. She told me to go up to Mrs. Simpson and tell her. She assured me it would be all right.

So I did. Mrs. Simpson pulled a desk over beside her teacher’s desk and worked with me until I understood it.

Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate all the teachers and professors I have had throughout my primary, secondary and college years. I credit them all for teaching me things that got me to the point where I am now.

If you have or have had a teacher like Mrs. Simpson or Mrs. Godfrey count your blessings and tell them “thank you” this week, National Teacher Appreciation Week.

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This week I also want to take time to wish all the mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day and send a special Mother’s Day wish up to heaven for my mother. I miss her every day, but there are times when I wish I had, as the song says, “Just Five More Minutes” to visit with her.

Give your mom a hug this Sunday and make sure she knows you love her.

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Graduations are also underway this week and I would be remiss if I did not take the time to wish all of our graduates a huge congratulation. Whether it is kindergarten, eighth grade, high school, trade school or college I wish you all the best and good luck on your next adventure.

May you find happiness and joy with whatever comes next for you.