Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years
Where do you currently live and how long have you lived in House District 28?
I live in Thermopolis and have lived in District 28 for 18 years. I am a lifelong Wyoming resident.
Why are you running for House District 28?
I'm running because I feel that our political system is fractured, and I can help keep Wyoming on the right track. We as Wyoming citizens have always banded together to accomplish great things. My leadership and my ability to disagree, respectfully, can be very beneficial for Wyoming and District 28. I bring lots of energy and look forward to the challenge.
How would you like to address the rising property taxes in the state and what impact would that resolution have on residents, businesses, special tax districts and local and state government?
Taxes are necessary for our communities, counties and state to survive. Property taxes have risen the last several years and people are concerned. I think the current property tax rebate program is working well and should continue. On the ballot this November a yes vote supports adding a residential real property as a fourth and separate property classification.
This will be a plus for homeowners around the state. Property tax is an ongoing issue among our residents, and I have faith in our elected officials to continue finding solutions.
What areas should the state focus on to diversify its economy, so it is not so dependent on minerals?
We should continue to support energy and mineral production throughout the state, they are essential. However, I feel we should concentrate on conservative growth here in Wyoming through economic development and tourism. Small businesses that employ 8 – 15 employees is our niche in Wyoming. People love our state, and we need to continue to promote our outdoor recreation opportunities, historical significance, wide open spaces and our remoteness. We need those millions of visitors to stop and spend their dollars in our communities.
What is one other issue that you feel needs to be addressed by the State Legislature and how would you address it?
I believe mental health really needs to be addressed in Wyoming. Our suicide rate is high, violence among our youth is growing and we incarcerate people with head injuries instead of getting help for them. The State, our health professionals and schools need to work together to help the ones, regardless of age, cope with their issues. It will take an effort plus funding but I believe we have ignored it long enough. It is not acceptable to have a 15-year-old boy at the Casper mall get stabbed to death by another teenager. This is one topic I would like to be very involved in.