Sean Mortimer count
Natalie Bishop plays a wife confronting her husband (Samrye Smart) after she's caught cheating in their home in a Nov. 19 dress rehearsal for the Worland High School Drama team's devised play Fractured Dynamics.
Sean Mortimer count
Addison Seghetti (right) tries showing her distracted mother (Abby Martinson) her art during a dress rehearsal for the Worland High School Drama team's devised play Fractured Dynamics.
Sean Mortimer count
(L-r) Addison Seghetti plays a patient in a childhood trauma counselling group, with her counsellor (Carlee Lowry) and other patients (Ivy Radabaugh and Alayna Moore). This was during a Nov. 19 dress rehearsal for the Worland High School Drama team's devised play Fractured Dynamics, a play about situations that split families apart told from the perspective of the children.
Sean Mortimer count
(L-r) Carlee Lowry plays a therapist who has lost a child, visiting her grave with her daughter (Leila Anderson) and husband (Thomas Nelson). This was during a Nov. 19 dress rehearsal for the Worland High School Drama team's devised play Fractured Dynamics.