Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years
The staff at the Northern Wyoming News would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving this week.
As a staff we have much to be thankful for including you our readers and our advertisers, all of whom see the value in local news and sports coverage, the value and importance of a local newspaper in the community and we thank you for your support this week and every week.
We hope you enjoy this week’s issue that includes a wide variety of photos, features as well as news.
Individually we also have much to be thankful for and due to space constraints I asked our staff for just three things they are thankful for as it is important that we pause to count our blessings.
Here are our messages of gratitude:
Sean Mortimer
I am thankful for my family because they love and support me unconditionally, through the good and the bad.
I am thankful for my work as a reporter because it’s given me an opportunity to grow as a person and to help those who benefit from what I write, whether it’s about our community or myself.
I am thankful for the people who have become part of my life in addiction recovery, because they remind me that I’m not alone.
Jane Gates
I am first thankful to God for my life.
I am thankful for the wonderful people I have shared and do share my life with, they keep me both uplifted and humble.
And I am thankful for my dogs, they truly show me what unconditional love is.
Michelle Barr
I am thankful for my family because we all try to take care of each other.
I am thankful for my job and coworkers because some people don’t have jobs and others don’t have great coworkers to work with.
I am thankful for my pets because they wait for you every day to come home and love on them and if you have had a bad day their snuggles usually work and get you feeling better.
Maranda Ferguson-Firnekas
I am thankful for my family because of their unwavering love and support.
I am thankful for my friends because they always support me, listen to my concerns, and bring joy and laughter into my life.
I am thankful for my pets because they fill my life with joy and companionship.
Alex Kuhn
I am thankful for my family, friends and pets because I love them all and would go on a John Wick level rampage for them.
I am thankful for the fantasy league I am the commissioner of because it’s full of overly competitive sociopaths, but they are all wonderful people I am proud to call friends and compete against.
I am thankful for my career because you can’t go wrong with doing something you love.
Karla Pomeroy
One of the problems asking others for their messages of gratitude is when you do not write yours first and they are thankful for everything you are thankful for as well so I will combine my first message of gratitude.
I am thankful for my family as they bring me joy, they challenge me and they support me; for my dogs and my cats who make me smile every day; for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his love, mercy and grace.
I am thankful I live in a country that provides me many freedoms including freedom of worship, speech, right to bear arms and of course, free press.
I am thankful for friends who are more like family and help keep me grounded and sane.
May your Thanksgiving weekend be filled with many blessings.