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Karla's Kolumn: Dear Santa, Let me explain

In this week's issue you will find the traditional Letters to Santa from Worland and Ten Sleep students.

There are plenty of adorable Santa letters in the special section. I do not know half of the toys the kids are asking for this year, but I do know one of the popular ones is squishmallows (yes I had to "Google" it). Several of the teachers had the students write about how they have been good and some of their letters are hilarious. Take some time and enjoy the read this week.

Also take some time to see the many advertisers who wish our readers a Merry Christmas and for whom this section would not be possible.

Following the tradition of publishing some type of Santa letter in this space here is a joint letter from the dogs, Roscoe and Shadow.

Dear Santa,

My name is Roscoe and I have been a good boy. I have not chased Tigger in several weeks.

Hi Santa, this is Shadow and Roscoe has not been a good boy in fact he got in trouble Monday night for trying to reach food on the counter. Mom saw him. She didn't know what he was trying to get as there was only an empty box of Cheerios up there.

I myself have been a good girl this year.

No, Santa she has not. She manipulates Dad all the time. In fact, the same night Shadow referred to, she comes out of the bedroom after a little nap and goes to Daddy Dawg's chair as if she wants outside. He starts to get up so I jumped down from the chair where I was snuggled and napping and then Shadow immediately jumps up there. Her ploy was just to get me down. She neither wanted, nor needed, to go outside. That's not nice.

Yo Santa, Tigger and Fluffy the cats here. If anyone has been good it has been us. We pretty much mind our own business, help control the mice population (yes we know the dogs caught a few - with Daddy Cat's help), we stay out of the way, way out of the way, when company comes, we do not jump up on people, we do not wake Momma up at 3:30 a.m. like the dogs, we do not beg incessantly until we get fed (OK maybe sometimes we quietly meow if the food bowl is empty or if we would like an extra treat) but it is on a rare occasion and it never gets to the annoyed stage.

If anyone deserves to be on the nice list Santa it is us.

Shadow and Roscoe here Santa, we would have to agree with the cats, but can you make them not want to rub against me (Shadow). It is embarrassing as a member of the canine world.

We hope you overlook our naughtiness as of late and see we do some nice things, like bark to let people know the UPS man has arrived, or the garbage man, or the propane man. We bring joy to Momma Dawg and Daddy Dawg when we greet them at the door, play ball with them, play dot with them, let them give us treats, take walks with them, go for rides with them.

Also Santa, all four us want to say thank you for letting the Pomeroys rescue us, that is the best gift we have ever received.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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